INTERVIEW|LECTURES|CONFERENCESThis Radio Interview was conducted by renowned Jamaican Radio Journalist and Broadcaster Michael Anthony Cuffe in 2007 on a popular Radio show.
In that particular year while there to do work in Kingston, Jody was guided to make two public interviews in her birth land of Jamaica, these two opportunities gave her the platform to share what she has been involved and committed to fulfill in her life and as an Intuitive Spiritual Energy Healer and Wellness Practitioner.
When listening to the different segments it is interesting to note the inspirational messages in the songs chosen by Michael Anthony Cuffe for his interview as they insightfully support the themes bringing to life a glimpse of Jody's sacred visions and soul journey of having to overcome fears, be sincere and open to trust, love, partake of her deep emboldened connections to the mystic unseen forces and divine Intelligence guiding her through out her life which she had to have the courage to defy conservative and sometimes biased cultural, religious and societal views of the status quo. The sacred divine presence of our Creator-ess SOURCE within continues to direct Jody as she fulfills her Soul's cosmic destiny and divine purpose awakening to live in truth, forgive, heal, unify and serve in loving uplifting joy filled energies of LIGHT with all her relations.
Forever in gratitude to her divine Source and everyone in energetic participation.
JodyRS Radio Interview 1
A Program introduction segment which begins with The power of Now by Rev. Sheila's inspirational message from the writings by Leo Buscaglia, Message in song of friendship by Stevie Wonder and a well articulated piece of humor on Noah, by Bill Cosby; if you know Jamaicans, they are very dynamic creative and love the wisdom, humor and positive vibrations in the SPIRIT of living life to it's truest expression of a joyful heart.
JodyRS-Radio-Interview 2
This segment is when the actual interview begins with a selection of uplifting message in a song Climbing to the top to mountains of LOVE by Neil Diamond and Jody's sacred story as she responds to Michael Anthony Cuffe's questions of where she grew up and her what lead to her to seeking and identifying her life purpose.
JodyRS Radio Interview 3
This segment opens with a song by R.Kelly I Believe I can fly Michael really gets into the finer and deeper aspects with Jody as she speaks of facing life's fears, what it is like being an identically twin. A sweet soul moving song by Celine Dion FLY Jody continues with her attending boarding school as she journeys to discovering of her soul purpose, her connection to her Mystic self her exploration of her connection to her Creator source and participation with Sacred teachings to overcome the conditioning of Society, Religious doctrine.
JodyRS Radio Interview 4
Imagine sung by Randy Crawford, This segment goes into Jody's deeper expression of releasing the illusions of this world and its delusional ways of being born sinners, recognizing the divine Feminine of the Goddess energy in harmony and balance with the divine Masculine God Source, in moving beyond surface to deeper inner accessibility of our sacred selves and dynamic talents. Song Johnny Nash The fish and the alley of destruction. Manifesting how to be aware and address her vulnerabilities her need to heal.
JodyRS Radio Interview 5
To dream the impossible dream sung by Jack Jones, Jody discusses the common aspects she has come across, the challenges people face and need to address how they think of themselves which hold them back from expressing their worth. The healing within and the opening up of humanity to participate in greater consciousness. Showing up in this world to serve with love and forgiveness. ONE LOVE ONE HEART. Time to say goodbye sung by Sarah Brightman, Andrea Botticelli