Jody Rowe Staley TV Interviews

Part One.
Jody's energetic interview while visiting her birth land in Kingston Jamaica in 2007. Even more meaningful and relevant today. All I can say is WHAT AN INTERVIEW…THE SPIRIT WORLD VISITED! Ian Boyne gets right into the heart and soul of it for Jody to describe her humble loving insightful experience of the Spirit realm, being a channel of Light in service to others as well those on the other side of the veil. Jody responds to some Hard Questions and tackles the inquest with fervor and depth of experience wisdom and her no holds bar, no nonsense authenticating the sacred ways she is in contact with her life purpose to heal, educate and in service to others.
Part Two:
Ian Boyne masters the art of questioning no wonder he is an award winning journalist. Topics of Religion, Christianity, Spirituality. Journeying into the dogma and doctrines the conditioned fears demonizing and negating our potential as conduits which is our divine nature and Creation right. The fundamentalist view of this sacred healing Christ conscious work how they think. Jody passionately addresses all the in's and outs of being labled in negative ways overcoming them to live in the qualitative truth of knowingness the need to tap into and heal our selves and serve our God -dess Source our communities her Clients who come to empower themselves and their lives.
Part Three:
The Jamaican view on the streets about the Spirit world reporters on the beat hearing the people express there doubts and negation when asked if it is possible to Liberate our selves from the finitude of the human mind and the boundlessness of the Spirit to connect and communicate with loved ones on the other side. Jody shares how blessed we are to have them be even more present after death in our everyday lives and shares the connection she experienced and healing outcome and comfort with the passing of her father to the other side.
Part Four:
More Jamaicans take on the Sprit world, Ian asks Jody to share more of her direct experiences with the Spirit world, people who had died expressing her own personal contact one night with an Uncle who was on the other side. Clearing energetic vibrations that are negative and inherited by those who occupy a new home or property Feng Shui Jody explains some of the work she does with identifying peoples vibrations, Expresses her take on the Sacred divine feminine the Goddess energies why we are in a divide this day in governances, and how the Balance sacred feminine and masculine is who we truly are very much conduits to connect to the most high in our selves in LOVE.