…By soul wisdom I mean the development of a capacity for self-knowledge in conjunction with an objective sense of the inner qualities of the outer world. The capacity for this conjunction leads to a new image of consciousness ...Robert Sardello
The first Step:
Provides an awareness of your Soul's codes, your Life purpose and the energy patterns that impact your self development. Resourcing Your Akashic Records (otherwise known as your Book of Lives, or your files), as they energetically contain every thought, word or action you have ever experienced, past, present, all of which influence what you choose to create in your future. This knowledge brings greater awareness of where you are not, where you need to be and empowers you to identify lessons that are opportunities for you to heal and liberate so as to create a more intimate relationship with your Creator Source and your Higher Mind your true Spirit Nature. Working with this powerful alliance during the reading/consultation, you become more conscious and open to receive the insight as your Inner Guide and Teacher energetically empowers your experience shifting your perception into a greater place of clarity. This healing supports you in taking further action towards your own personal imbalance and provides the ability within you to heal present life circumstances that are unsatisfactory, creating a better quality of life, as you attain long sort after goals your Spirit’s high purpose to accomplish.
- Acrophonology is a methodology used to access and understand how your soul's true code resonates in your name's vibration frequency and their influences in your life. It is a sacred healing art and science formulated from the teachings of ancient Spiritual Mystics and Elders. It also reveals the dynamic Spirit potential of your energetics, your life skills, talents and assets that can be tapped into and expressed through your mind and perceptions in your personal identity or character, these insights can help you in resolving and releasing past thought patterns and experiences (of the ego mind) programmed in your perception of self. This insightful healing approach reveals and supports a shift in awareness to utilize more fully true talents and skills that are your real strengths available within you.
- The Shamanic Wheel of Life is another divination tool Jody uses, passed on through Oral Traditions of the Indigenous Elders,Healers and Teachers of the Star Nations. Not only is it transformative in it's deeply Spirit minded transmissions, it addresses your illumination, mental, emotional and physical aspects, energizes and brings greater awareness to the themes and influences in support of enhancing healing within, living in the moment and creating how to prepare oneself for better results during incoming cycles of the days, weeks and months ahead.
- The Spiritual Intuitive Reading Consultation, is the First step in the program which brings the retrieval of pertinent knowledge to your awareness and is the stepping stone you build on as your inner Guidance lights your path going deeper in the next four steps. The benefits are numerous, the energies and insights experienced in each step are specifically choreographed to generate in you a seismic shift of immense proportion as you partake of the growth and healing in myriads of ways.
….The gap is your connection to the field of pure potentiality. It is that state of pure awareness, that silent space between thoughts, that inner stillness that connects you to true power. And when you squeeze the gap, you squeeze your connection to the field of pure potentiality and infinite creativity...Deepak Chopra
Step 2.
- PART ONE - Working with your SPIRIT MIND, your Inner Guide/Teacher you become the OBSERVER, the WITNESS as you participate in the INTAKE, your SELF INVENTORY, your AUTOBIOGRAPHY and LIFE REVIEW, (Your STORY)
- PART TWO - Working with your SPIRIT MIND , your INNER GUIDE/TEACHER using your innate powers and faculties of INTUITION to observe your unconscious, subconscious where we warehouse stored memories and patterns of the past through the process of HYPNOSIS, a method used to transport us to that SILENCE and STILLNESS WITHIN BEYOND LIMITED THOUGHTS, it is our through our DIVINE SOURCE and consciousness which we experience the expression of our true healing abilities to release old outdated limitations and trauma.
The second and third Step:
In the program is conducted in two parts. The first part requires an Intake, self inventory, and then the second part, which is a process involving Hypnosis incorporating other components as you are being guided by your Spirit Mind to experience the healing presence within.
These sessions help you to awaken from what appears to be a comatose state in our minds, the false fear based programs of fear and lack denial of truth of you are, with the help of journeying back to references of either past or present life or both, depending on where you most need to heal, you retrieve, resource and release through forgiveness, negating influences and suppressed data, in order to empower your living in the NOW of PRESENT LIFE conditions & circumstances.
…..People need to climb the mountain not simply because it is there but because the soulful divinity needs to be mated with the Spirit……Tenlin Gratso (14th century Dali Lama of Tibet)
The fourth Step:
...There will come a time when images have all gone by, and you will see you know not what you are. It is to this unsealed and open mind that truth returns, unhindered and unbound. Where concepts of the Self have been laid by is truth revealed exactly as it is...A course in miracles
The fifth Step:
Jody, has been a conscious Channel, since 1984, when a life transforming interaction with a Divine universal and loving Source of Intelligence unfolded which was named Capt.E.Silver. From that momentous occasion transmissions of healing energies and deeply profound insights have been communicated to both Jody and her twin sister Joni. To this day on going access to the spirit realms continue to educate and reveal more than ever the true reality that we are not separate just because we are in physical form, nor must we deny our divine right to make contact with the invisible states of our Spirit nature to which we are all ONE. These teachings have shaped and illuminated their lives and over the years since then loved ones in Spirit have been in contact. Many others who they share this sacred Presence have also been on the receiving end of these insightful communications, uplifting healing energies, messages of support and wisdom from the Capt. has been shared.
- Channeling is a method of communication and transmission by Universal and Spiritual Divine Intelligences of Light and Love. With our invitation and acceptance we receive Heightened awareness and deep feelings of well being as knowledge and healing energies are shared. One who is able to allow the Spirit Mind to flow with inspirational thoughts and messages regarding the cosmology, as well practical lifestyle demands as they are communicated from other realms and Messengers.
- Channeling is another source in which to obtain clarity, direction and different levels of personal power, healing and personal growth. It brings a more dynamic awareness of your multi and inter dimensional Self, when you begin to work in a more personal way with your Master Teachers, Spirit guides, Angels, Devas, Fairies, Nature Spirits, other Divine Intelligences. Contact can also be made with your loved ones and others who have crossed over to the Spirit realms. An insightful opportunity for you to experience your divine potential.
- The benefits of channeling offers you a clearer vision of your purpose and opens up deeper levels of trust in you, so you can work better with the spiritual and universal state of mindfulness awaken to who we are and what this earth is for. Channeling releases fear of the unknown and creates new ways and tools to function as a Spirit Being and address and release the attachments of a physical nature, you learn how to govern yourself better in the world, as you experience relationships, taking care of your needs even receive information on finance, and business more importantly gifting you with insights supporting your fulfillment of your divine potential.
- Channeling can help you realize new ways to educate, view and speak about life, problem solve and create healing. Enormous spiritual and personal growth unfolds after contact with your Guides. You are lifted up in an ever-expanding awakening of your divine creation-right, beyond physical and into nonphysical realms of who you truly are. ONE in our interconnectedness with all of God/Goddess's creation.
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