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Silvereign Educational Program
The Sacred Tarot is a healing and instructional Spiritual Intuitive tool, which transforms, educates and empowers you as you access your Inner Guidance and Spiritual Source of true power, utilizing its sacred symbols with interpretations and translation through allegory.  This Inspirational tool is very effective and beneficial in communicating the energetics of one’s vibrational field, offering the individual a profound experience and direction towards achieving healing, deep intuitive understanding and insight supporting a shift in perception and the manifestation of your destiny.

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Silvereign Educational Program
The Sacred Tarot is a healing and instructional Spiritual Intuitive tool, which transforms, educates and empowers you as you access your Inner Guidance and Spiritual Source of true power, utilizing its sacred symbols with interpretations and translation through allegory.  This Inspirational tool is very effective and beneficial in communicating the energetics of one's vibrational field, offering the individual a profound experience and direction towards achieving healing, deep intuitive understanding and insight supporting a shift in perception and the manifestation of your destiny. It's function  represents sacred knowledge and when used appropriately you can navigate with your Inner Guidance the type of direction which results in greater clarity of your soul on your path of life, no matter the circumstance. It is one of the most popular and dynamic mystical educational tools you can utilize for questing and shifting your perception. Today there are numerous variations and styles of decks symbolizing the different esoteric ways using the instrumentation of the Tarot. The deck that was taught to me was the traditional Ryder Waite deck. I now use a more colourful artistic, uplifting design alternative which is the Universal Waite Tarot Deck...."luminescent color tones by Mary Hason Roberts reveal details of the imagery that are appealing and conducive to readings and meditations."
Experiencing the Tarot and how it began for me:
So deep was my calling to my spirit nature and realm of Light consciousness I was internally guided to mystical divination tools at an early age, later on as a teenage girl growing up I was introduced to the Tarot one of many mystical divination tools I would come to experience.  As destiny would have it I had a most impactful and dynamic reading that changed my life, when I accompanied my mother Jean, during what was a most distressing and tumultuous situation we had to face in our family. We continued on this path for some time knowing of and trusting this way of seeking another angle of vision for truth to be revealed and for direction and healing through Spirit guidance for what we had to confront, we both agreed to pursue this most beneficial avenue for deeper insight and further understanding. I am forever grateful to my beloved Mom Jean, the true mystic that I have always known her to be and credit for the love and support of being able to trust from within the exploration of the  Mystical inter dimensions of sacred light and wisdom, at times unexplainable growing up. If it was not for her and my beloved father, Norman, I would not be so liberated and passionately involved with so much peace in the work through which I am here to heal and for my soul to be in service to all my relations .  My mother showed us how to live a life of healing and how it would support being an empowered woman, sensitive, loving, open minded, forgiving, a human being of deep Spiritual, Christ conscious ways and faith,(and not at all religiously dogmatic in her beliefs)this awareness brings her such profound wisdom and strength in trusting her intuition and inner Guidance from our Divine God/dess Source, which brought insightful healing energies and answers to her prayers and to her dilemmas. She was wise enough to choose in addition to therapy, the intuitive path of the sacred Tarot, at a time when many in our social community in the island of Jamaica, then and to this day, some who invalidate and look down upon it as fortune telling, as superstitious nonsense, unconventional, not to mention ungodly and demonic.

Just goes to show how freeing ourselves to move beyond the attempted obstruction of our Spirit nature can empower us to seek true healing and resolution, in order to live in universal law sacred order and not man made laws of dogma and doctrines programmed and conditioned in our earthly minds to be limiting and close minded, instead releasing those falsehoods to be able to experience exercising the strengths needed in shifting our perceptions to be willing and open hearted, humbled in seeking truth in the many different ways our Divine Creator Source works through all types of vehicles to bring about true Spiritual resolution healing and growth of the light within energetically.

Through these very Tarot readings my mother and I learnt to cope with traumatic situations, awaken to educate ourselves and uncover certain truths beyond what the physical portrayed, thus giving us the strength and ability to deal with situations in order to keep moving forward regardless of the odds stacked against us.  All of which contributed to our profound healing, attaining greater clarity and understanding ourselves, what to do, and how to proceed, rising above the uncertainty of our adversity. With time, forgiving, learning and overcoming lovingly, what many have not been able to do in such traumatic circumstances. We both shared this transformative experience,  thankful for the Tarot being most influential, affording us the application of such deep insight and knowledge that came to us during this painful period and process in our lives, personally and in our family.
Little did I know then, this incredibly insightful spiritual tool and my experience with it would in later years to come, have such an empowering role in my life, paving the way to the depth of understanding, opening me up to my Spiritual Source, bringing courage, intimacy with our Creator Source.  It's influence, enrichment and direction would again impact my future and change my life even more, becoming a fundamental part of my life's work, for use in my Holistic Practice of serving others in their quest for intimacy with their God Source, Spiritual Intuitive awakening, healing and development. Indeed it was many years later after seeking how best to fulfill my soul's true calling as a Mystic, longing to serve God and others in a truthful loving manner which my inner Guidance directed me to begin working with this transformative energy. The Tarot  is now one of the most requested and valuable tools in my Spiritual tool box which I use often as a Spiritual Intuitive Practitioner/ Reader and Counselor.
I have been blessed to be instrumental, able to educate, instruct and offer a more inspirational, healing insightful, creative resourceful outlook to many through this sacred tool working with their inner Spirit Source and guidance. Sharing this with clients living in different parts of the world, from all walks of life, of all ages, condition and circumstance. Seekers along their path, bringing them solace through Spiritual Intuitive Readings and Counsel.  This way of serving others has brought me much peace and continued healing in myself. I consider it a privilege and forever grateful to work in this field respecting this sacred energetic Spiritual tool one of many that I call upon.
My heartfelt Gratitude to my
Mentor Shirley Kiley who initiated me in the Sacred path of the Tarot:
Gratitude must always be given to those who came before us and whose tall and strong shoulders we stand on in this day and cycle. Our Ancestors, our teachers, the Wisdom Keepers charged with sharing knowledge passing it on.  It is my teacher and one of my beloved Mentors Shirley Kiley to whom I make respectful mention here, as without her skill and wisdom I would not ever have used the tarot in the ways that I do now.  I am forever filled with much gratitude and hold her in my heart always as it was Shirley who taught me the use of two very dynamic tools one of which was the Tarot in a very unique, unconventional, effective way.  Free flowing, extremely inspirational, intuitive, and transformative her methodology, one I have never come across before or ever since.  Simple and yet powerfully enlightening and energetically healing. I knew upon having a reading with Shirley that I wanted to learn from her and so my teacher and a true loving Master appeared in my life for this purpose.  She brought to light the illumined presence within me of our Source of Spiritual power working through my intuition and with the Tarot, it is the method that I teach today with the very same instructional notes she gave to me on that momentous day. I continue to be open and willing to learn from other ancient and modern sources, teachers of wisdom and mystical traditions that bring forth the knowledge of our Holy Presence within, as we lovingly tap into and use the UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS of our heavenly divine Creator Source to which we are ONE.
Spiritual Tarot Instruction:
I so value the importance of sharing, to pass on to others what of Creator Source has been passed on to me. To defy the conformists, the naysayers and those who are falsely misguided and ill informed in the proper meaning, true healing, representation and enormous benefits of the Tarot. My purpose is to do what Shirley did for me, humbly following in her footsteps offering to educate those who like myself are called to serve in the mystic corridors where trust in Spirit,Truth, Light, Love and Wisdom abound, the ability to know and be guided by the Spiritual Source within us all as ONE, by use of this very tool.  As Holistic and Spiritual Practitioners, Professionals in varying fields this tool is one that would benefit and shift your own intuitive abilities to better serve your clients. patients. etc.
Spiritual Intuitive Tarot Reading Instruction is available in Private or Group classes with Jody.
Sign up for Instruction. It will change your life and enhance your healing Practice as it did mine.


The Sacred Tarot is a healing and instructional Spiritual Intuitive Divination tool, which transforms, educates and empowers you as you access your Inner Guidance and Spiritual Source of true power. In this unique Spiritual Intuitive Instructional education program you will learn:

  • To utilize and apply the TAROT'S sacred symbols with interpretations and translation through allegory.
  • The inspirational effective and beneficial ways when purposely used for forecasting and communicating the energetics of one's vibrational field, addressing deep issues, challenges, a need to problem solve, create strategies and support individuals becoming more aware of how to interact with their Spiritual Source and nature within.
  • To offer the individual a profound experience and direction towards achieving healing, deep intuitive understanding and insight supporting a shift in perception and consciousness, all towards supporting them in staying on purpose to manifest their true souls destiny and outcome.


  •  Learn how to create the specific alchemy of the Wheel of life, in order tap into profound, accurate and sacred knowledge with this alchemy and how you can navigate with the alliance of their Spiritual Inner Guidance which provide greater clarity on their healing path of life, no matter the circumstance as you serve others how to heal, tap into, reach their true potential and attain effective beneficial results through these methods.

For Practitioners this is a significant Spiritual Intuitive tool for those who choose to serve in the mystic corridors where Truth, Light, Love and Wisdom abound, opening you up to your intuition to become an Instrument/Conduit generating insightful energies beyond the limitations of mental physical form and limitations of the thought systems of the material world.

PARTS ONE, TWO, THREE & FOUR are taught in 4 hour segments or a Three Day Workshop.

Fee: $650.00
This curriculum is governed and taught through the awakening living Presence of the Holy Spirit/Divine Intelligence within us all, through the blessings, teachings and inspiration. Unique circumstances are taken into consideration and therefore changes in how the instructions can best facilitate the needs of individuals are honored.  It is for the purpose of HEALING as we share our love, our light in peaceful abundant joyfulness and service.


* Become a Professional Practitioner of Spiritual Intuitive Tarot and apply it to your healing Practice. Being of sacred service as you work with your clients in deeply mystical, beneficial and profound ways.

The modality tool of the TAROT can be added to your healing Practice in a professional and integral way to better support how you help your clients to experience and realize new ways to approach what is happening within them self and their life.  A most dynamic tool to work in your tool box, as it gives you yet another approach to assist how you work with your clients to open up to deeper insights, effectively address specific situations, most importantly to offer them the experience of how to be Spirit guided, heal and release the outer manifestations of their environment which are opportunities to become more aware of their blockages and attachments to the world of form. Become more inwardly focused to navigate the choices and events unfolding in their life, so as to manifest what is for their highest good.
As a professional Practitioner using the tarot as a divination tool, will support greater interaction with how to best engage their Spiritual Intuitive nature and function so as to manifest greater healing.
You will learn how to set up a conscious business environment based on Spiritual Principles for you to work with in this professional integral manner.  The tools and knowledge in this advanced program are specifically geared towards successfully using the TAROT whether building a new practice or adding it your practice for use in your professional field.

* This is an optional program for those who choose to go through the advanced Silvereign Spiritual Intuitive Instructional Healing Coaching Educational Certification program designed for use of this tool and other modalities as a part of a Spiritual Intuitive Professional Healing Practice.

This curriculum is governed and taught through the awakening living Presence of the Holy Spirit/Divine Intelligence within us all, through the blessings, teachings and inspiration. It is for the purpose of HEALING as we share our love, our light in peaceful abundant joyfulness.

* This Advanced Silvereign Professional Certification Program will be introduced at a later date.


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