...There will come a time when images have all gone by, and you will see you know not what you are. It is to this unsealed and open mind that truth returns, unhindered and unbound. Where concepts of the Self have been laid by is truth revealed exactly as it is... A Course in Miracles
The Fifth Step.
Jody, has been a conscious Channel, since 1984, when a life transforming telepathic connection was activated with a Divine Universal and loving Source of Light and Intelligence which was named Capt.E.Silver. From that momentous occasion transmissions of healing energies and deeply profound insights have been communicated to both Jody and her twin sister Joni lovingly guiding them. They continue to access the Spirit realms to educate and reveal more than ever the true reality which is we are not separate just because we are in physical form, nor must we deny our divine right which affords us to make contact for communion, healing and other reasons such as receiving guidance from the invisible state of our Spirit nature to which we are all ONE.
Through Channeling these teachings transform, heal and illuminate their lives and as a result over the years numerous others have been on the receiving end of uplifting healing energies, messages of support and wisdom which continues to be shared.
In this fifth step, and the final one in your developmental program awakening to your true reality of who you are, a Spirit Being. You will experience interacting with the invisible energies as you engage and communicate within to your Divine Creative Intelligences, Spirit guides, Master teachers, Angels and Loved ones in Spirit, for deeper insights as you receive their loving energies and messages that bring healing and comfort.
- 1. Channeling is a method of Intuitive telepathic communication and transmission used by Universal and Spiritual Intelligences involving our invitation and acceptance we receive heightened awareness and deep feelings of well being as knowledge, guidance and healing energy is shared. We are able to allow the Spirit Mind to flow with inspirational thoughts and messages regarding our Spiritual path and lifestyle.
- 1a. Channelor one who is able to allow the TRUE Spirit Consciousness to flow in unity with and through Divine Guidance for the Creative Intelligence to transmit positive inspirational thoughts and messages regarding healing insights communicated energetically from other realms beyond physicality.
- 1b. Channeling is another method in which to obtain clarity, direction and experience different levels of consciousness, for personal growth. It brings a more dynamic awareness of your multi and inter dimensional Self, as you begin to work in communal ways with other realms, your Master Teachers, Elders, Spirit/Healing Guides, Angels, other Divine Intelligences, Galactic beings, Devas, Fairies, Nature Spirits, Ascended Masters. Contact can also be made with your loved ones and others who have crossed over to the Spirit realms in different eras. An insightful opportunity for you to experience your true divine potential.
- 2. The benefits of channeling offers you a clearer vision of your purpose and opens up deeper levels of trust in you, so you can work better telepathically with the spiritual and universal state of mindfulness as you inwardly awaken to who we are and what this earth is for. Channeling releases fear of the unknown and creates new ways and tools to function as a Spirit Being in the projection of man made laws, doctrines and dogmas of this illusionary world. Address healing, forgiveness and release attachments of the physical nature, the earthly mind, govern yourself more honestly in the world, as you experience relationships, taking care of your needs even receive information to assist you in addressing how to be more balanced addressing one's daily needs, responsibilities and sustenance, relationships,finance, and business more importantly gifting you with creative insights supporting your fulfillment of your divine potential.
- 3. Channeling can help you realize new ways to educate, view and speak about life, problem solve and create healing. Enormous spiritual and personal growth unfolds after contact with your Guides and loved ones. You are lifted up in an ever-expanding awakening of your divine creation right, and nonphysical realms of who you truly are, ONE in our interconnectedness with all of God/Goddess' creation.
Channeling Sessions may vary, as each person's unique need to address the energy of their situation, the events that are of particular importance and content will dictate the approach to channeling the energies being called upon. This will be identified before beginning the process.
As a Spiritual Intuitive Practitioner the methods of interaction during your Channeling sessions are based purely on a focus that is telepathic, Spiritually Intuitive and deeply Energetic and healing in nature.
Fee $150.00 per hour and half session.
Payments by Check/Credit Card/Paypal accepted.
Payments by Check please contact us at