With Spirit guidance and over many years of experience Jody has developed a most proficient and trans-formative approach to Spiritual Intuitive Life Style Counseling/Coaching.
With new earth consciousness shifting perspectives, the Healing Art protocols applied in the area of Mental Health and Self development are taking on advanced ways using formidable diverse Spiritual tools, an approach which support growing numbers of people having positive experiences resulting in more effective and beneficial ways of healing and wellness. As these tools and approach are incorporated many experience a fulfillment of their needs in profound ways, resulting in more people choosing to go beyond conventional, social and educational/academic models in the practice of Mental Health to participate with Spiritually oriented tools and guidance to live by.
After having successfully facilitated hundreds of clients in Spiritual Intuitive Readings and The 5 Step Developmental Process the benefits experienced by many of her clients motivated and inspired them to go even deeper building on their fervent desire to continue to correct their erroneous patterns and behavior, successfully fulfilling goals that were out of their reach. Their renewed commitment to further continue on their path participating in Spiritual Intuitive Life Style Counseling/Coaching over time with Jody, extended their capacity and advanced their involvement in further awakening to greater understanding within themselves of how to live in recognition and function of their eminent Spiritual mind/nature and identify their true Life purpose, healing and motivated in order to identify and fulfill their goals.
These healing sessions take place in a spontaneous and sacred way, supporting you in opening to effective interaction with the inner Presence of your Being, your Spirit Mind and it's predominant focus and expression as you are reinforced along your way to trust and cultivate how best to engage its guidance and direction. With increased clarity you begin making choices that shift your perspectives of yourself, your relationships, problem solve in order to address the negating conditions and patterns in your life and enrich your experience to become more discerning of a world that requires reversal of your thought process based on fear, guilt, denial, illusion of separation, to that of love, forgiveness being able to express authentically your deepest abilities and assets.
The Spiritual and Intuitive component of Jody's approach to Life Style Counseling/Coaching methodology offers an extended range of healing experiences with insights that you the recipient are empowered to reveal for yourself in session along with the wisdom and application of your inner Spirit guidance. After each session, you begin to understand the simple yet deeply profound energies, Spiritual guidelines and tools you co-create the opportunities to work with, which when applied over a consistent period of time shifts you into a place of masterminding and greater well being.
The successes and benefits of this Spiritual Intuitive approach to Lifestyle Counseling/Coaching are numerous to behold, some of which are:
- 1. Build on interacting more efficiently with your Inner Spirit/Mind/Teacher/Guide/Coach.
- 2. Creating & governing more responsibly your experiences for the enjoyment of your life.
- 3. Over coming intense difficult turmoil & conditions in self and challenging relationships.
- 4. Identifying egoic false thought patterning /Releasing fear, anger and guilt
- 5. Forgive self and others.
- 6. Emotional mental physical well being
- 7. Acquiring inner peace.
- 8. Cultivate more meaningful and honest relations with self and others.
- 9. Identifying and living your life purpose.
- 10. Understanding more of what this world is for.
- 11. Set goals and accomplish attaining them successfully.
- 12. Thriving in the abundance and prosperity of what is of true worth.
- 13. Experiencing an enriched life style of higher purpose that serve the better part of your authentic nature and others, as you interact with your Spirit Mind not as a secondary component but first and foremost.
- 14. Living, Sharing and extending love and light
As Jody surrenders to the Oneness of our Spirit Mind, knowing that she is but the instrument in service to our Holy Presence, our Divine Intelligence which is our Creator Source a spontaneous experience of self discovery begins to unravel, as both Client and Counselor in agreement and trusted partnership generate the transformative alchemy for you to retrieve and resource deep insights and experience healing through your Inner Teacher, your Spirit /Mind /Guidance.
Along with the intuitive function Jody uses her clairvoyance skills and a variety of Spiritual tools/thought processes/disciplines/teachings, as you learn to set effective strategies, successfully developing the greater part of self, accomplishing your goals through this program experiencing miracles in your life.
What is Required:
Coaching requires your honest sincere intention and willingness to heal and improve your conditions/circumstances you are going through, your commitment of time and consistent effort as each session addresses the pertinent aspects that will be organically revealed as you heal and grow through your trans-formative process over the duration of your committed sessions.
Developing and applying these new disciplines "Om work" is required, gleaned from sessions as you learn to create and experience the application of the on going body of knowledge you will be receiving for yourself.
Sessions are available:
Individuals, Couples, Group ~ IN PERSON / PHONE / SKYPE CONSULTATIONS or Online with Jody's website conferencing facilities are available.
Depending on what you are addressing in your life to begin it is recommended that you work with an initial time line of three months as you effectively adjust, transition and manage your process, there after you can chose to go to the next level of counseling continuing in a manner that best suits your success, commitment and growth.
As a Spiritual Intuitive Life Style Counselor/Coach Practitioner the methods of interaction during your session are based purely on a focus that is Spiritual, Intuitive and deeply Energetic in Nature and does not involve going into lengthy psychological aspects or therapy. A minimum of 1 hour and half is the customary timeline for a Spiritual Intuitive Coaching session.
If a much longer more in-depth session is necessary, the timeline may vary as each person's need concerning their situation and events of particular importance will dictate the length of time, additional fees are added depending on the extended length of time requested by you the client. $150.00 per hour and half is then calculated to the additional time.
Payments by Check/Credit Card/Paypal accepted. Financial plans can be worked out for those going through financial challenges. This will be discussed and a payment plan agreed upon.
Once you have registered and your payment received your sessions will begin.
$150.00 hour and half Counseling/Coaching Session