Step 1. SPIRITUAL INTUITIVE READING CONSULTAT…By soul wisdom I mean the development of a capacity for self-knowledge in conjunction with an objective sense of the inner qualities of the outer world. The capacity for this conjunction leads to a new image of consciousness …Robert Sardello
The first Step
Provides an awareness of your Soul's codes, your Life purpose and the energy patterns that impact your self development. Resourcing Your Akashic Records (otherwise known as your Book of Lives, or your files), as they energetically contain every thought, word or action you have ever experienced, past, present, all of which influence what you choose to create in your future. This knowledge brings greater awareness of where you are not, where you need to be and empowers you to identify lessons that are opportunities for you to heal and liberate so as to create a more intimate relationship with your Creator Source and your Higher Mind your true Spirit Nature. Working with this powerful alliance during the reading/consultation, you become more conscious and open to receive the insight as your Inner Guide and Teacher energetically empowers your experience shifting your perception into a greater place of clarity. This healing supports you in taking further action towards your own personal imbalance and provides the ability within you to heal present life circumstances that are unsatisfactory, creating a better quality of life, as you attain long sort after goals your Spirit’s high purpose to accomplish.
As Jody surrenders to the Oneness of our Spirit Mind, knowing that she is but the instrument in service to our Holy Presence, our Divine Intelligence which is Source, she works with you in retrieving and resourcing data through your Inner Teacher, your Spirit Guidance. She also uses her clairvoyance skills and a variety of tools to access your Akashic Records as well as forecasting to move forward setting up effective strategies.
- The Sacred Tarot is a healing and instructional way, utilizing its healing energetic symbols with interpretations and translation through allegory.
- Acrophonology is a methodology used to access and understand how your soul's true code resonates in your name's vibration frequency and their influences in your life. It is a sacred healing art and science formulated from the teachings of ancient Spiritual Mystics and Elders. It also reveals the dynamic Spirit potential of your energetics, your life skills, talents and assets that can be tapped into and expressed through your mind and perceptions in your personal identity or character, these insights can help you in resolving and releasing past thought patterns and experiences (of the ego mind) programmed in your perception of self. This insightful healing approach reveals and supports a shift in awareness to utilize more fully true talents and skills that are your real strengths available within you.
- The Shamanic Wheel of Life is another divination tool Jody uses, passed on through Oral Traditions of the Indigenous Elders,Healers and Teachers of the Star Nations. Not only is it transformative in it's deeply Spirit minded transmissions, it addresses your illumination, mental, emotional and physical aspects, energizes and brings greater awareness to the themes and influences in support of enhancing healing within, living in the moment and creating how to prepare oneself for better results during incoming cycles of the days, weeks and months ahead.
- The Spiritual Intuitive Reading Consultation, is the First step in the program which brings the retrieval of pertinent knowledge to your awareness and is the stepping stone you build on as your inner Guidance lights your path going deeper in the next four steps. The benefits are numerous, the energies and insights experienced in each step are specifically choreographed to generate in you a seismic shift of immense proportion as you partake of the growth and healing in myriads of ways.
The timeline for Sessions may vary as each person's need to address the energy to be healed concerning their situation and the events of particular importance will dictate the necessary time for the Spiritual Intuitive Reading Consultation. This will be identified and agreed upon by you and myself.
As a Spiritual Intuitive Life Style Counselor/Coach Practitioner the methods of interaction during your Reading/Consultation are based purely on a focus that is Spiritual, Intuitive and deeply Energetic in Nature.
A minimum of 90 minutes in length is the customary timeline for a Spiritual Intuitive Reading/Consultation and the fee is $150.00
If a longer more in-depth Reading/Consultation is necessary, additional fees are added depending on the extended length of time requested by you the client.
Payments by Check/Credit Card/Paypal accepted.
INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL READING CONSULTATIONS for the 5 Step developmental Program available:
Payments by Check please contact us at readings@silvereign.com